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e shtunë, 1 shtator 2007

Hiaz.... Yesterday, I went to hospital to visit my granny which she was hospitalized. I went to visit her yesterday, she look quite surprisingly alert and seems no signs of sickness can be detected from her facial expression. No pain or pale look that devour from her.

After hering her strange sickness, I started to tense up and worried about her. Though she told us that staying there is boring and she would like to play poker which the nurse rejected from her playing. Feeling quite funny that her illness is strange that she couldn't wake up as if so, she will feel giddy unless she lie down or in the sitting position. Even the doctor could not find what kind of illness is that after much observation.

Hopefully she will get better and to kill her bordness, I decided to visit her the next time with sme poker cards on hand to keep her time occupied from bordness.

Blogged @ 10:40 e paradites
Don't let me go -

e enjte, 30 gusht 2007

Today, it was set that the ex-PB01-04 frenz is going to East Coast Parkway to get ourselves relax from our start of our Holiday. Sad to say we miss Adrian and Lena to join us the fun. Although we have a short picnic session and only cycling, the few of us still enjoy the 'exercises' . I think the group photo takes well and great pose taken by each of us, especially JH and beng that they really look like gay partner when they are together having their guys talk leaving Ryan behind.

When we having a U-turn back to the bicycle shop, there is a sudden urge to tell him about my feelings towards him. He suddenly get to care about me, but i don not know whether that is as a buddy that he shows that he care or he is trying to hint me something. But I decided to make a 告白 to him one day, hopefully no matter what answer he gave, we can still be friends even gonna rejected. I think I will not be able to see him until the end of our second FYP project. Haiz... Sad, Sad, Sad.

Coming up is my PP (Professional Profiling) Die la!!! The dateline is on November and I still got a long way to go before the presentation sia. OMG!! Depression come AGAIN! Currently the stupid yogurt place got event at TAKA and I need to work almost whole Day. WTF- Die laio ar, but think if i am earning a bit more money, the Bright side will be I'll be earning more to get my target nearer to buy a handphone that bale to work better than my current one.(which is going to spoil)

Probably, I think my 3 weeks holiday have to be kept busy with work, pp and the upcoming of the FYPII that I couldn't even get to breath before I have the motivation to do the other thing.

Blogged @ 11:01 e paradites
Don't let me go -

e mërkurë, 11 korrik 2007


Last Sunday, togehter with my cousin-Wanting and Jian Jie with my 2nd sis-Sandy, accompany with my uncles and aunties, we went to JB to pick Durian. Hey! it was the first ti me lehz!!! Yah quite interesting trip as the place is kapong area, for me is quite relaxing and fun. But i just don;t know why my frenz don't seem interested ( perhaps they don't like kampong style: no childhood) which I am quite disappointed that my joy could not share with anyone.

The day is quite fulfilled as we went shopping a while and expected alot of cheap stuff compared to Singapore.(but No $$$$ to buy :( .) Then we go to the their bowling centre,hmm... the price is about the same in Singapore, no wonder there are less Malay's playing.

Then we continue our destination to the Kampong. During the time to there, we listening radio and take photoes which was quite fun. The 3 gals(including me) were singing aloud in my uncle's car and know what?- They sing along with us probably our voice attracts them. Hee! Hee!

When we reach the durian plantation, it was quite fun in picking them up, and the durian will not fall on ur head and i really believe that, imagine there is a durian just fall behind me when I was picking up the durian without noticing it. As we go along to pick the Durian, We open and eat as we pick up the durian. That;s is real Kampong experience at that moment. Other than Durian, There are mangosteen and rambutan but the season is not riped to plug but the color is nice and I think we don't get to see in Singapore.

When we reach Singapore is about evening 8pm, and I am quite tired no no strength to eat the durian. Hopefully I can go again, and this time I have to try the rambtan at there.

Blogged @ 6:05 e pasdites
Don't let me go -

e premte, 29 qershor 2007

Wao Lao!!!! SAD SAD SAD!!!!!!!!!

Today I was suppose to go and have a movie(Transformer) with my couisn they all... I have totally forgotten about it and agreed with my team mates to do the project and I ended up like feeling quite regret. Regret not because i can't get to watch with them but they actually managed to get the tickets at the 11pm ones and I was actually quite shock cox i thought that the show should be fully booked and shouldnm't be getting so many tickets in one go... Haiz wrong prediction -should do a statistical analysis...Oops! wrong channel.....

Anyway my sis and bro have gone to my uncle house and stay there for a nitez... so , the whole room belong to mi ALONE. Yea!!!! By the way it's late so I did not called up to ask about the show, probably will them tmr. Hopefully I will remember and update to u all abt the show ba.. WAHAHHA!!!!

Blogged @ 11:38 e paradites
Don't let me go -

e enjte, 28 qershor 2007

OMG!!!!! I am still unable to change the blogskin.Dotz... Luckily, thanks to my cousin -wanting, she is helpful enough to give me a hand. Haiz... Goodness sake why am I feeling so moody these few days and just can't sleep properly. Hm... Maybe I am feeling down due to the deadline to hand up my FYP soon ( in 3 weeks time!!!) and probably my module grade. :( Ever since my Y3S1 started, i have been eating Bs and Cs for my daily grade but I never expected that my UTs can score better than compared my last few years. I think too stress liao ar, so now like no mood to study. SAD!SAD!SAD!

Alamak forgot to say one more happy thing after commenting so much sad thing.... Whahahah!!! Last Fri, is Bernard Birthday, kk...you will sure to say "hey, what's so big deal about it?" Yes, it's not a big deal but i think it was quite good to have these kind of things happening coz it also an opportunity to gather and mingle around with old frenz. OH! before cont' of what i am saying, Happy 30th Birthay to Bernard and another one to Daniel who is already celebrating his 24th this year. ok, where were we? yah.. see people get to forget their friends when we do not see each other or may lose contact eventually that is why i am willing to call up my buddy and sister often even they did not take up their initiative to meet up.(U know ppl are proactive because they do not think it is very important in their live.)

Blogged @ 11:19 e paradites
Don't let me go -

e hënë, 18 qershor 2007

I knew it! I knew it it will so hard to do coding!!!!!!!!!! I hate coding. Wah... I think probably i will consider to do the blog again. Haiz..... Y i learn so many codes yet i see nothing i want to see!!!!!!


Blogged @ 10:54 e paradites
Don't let me go -